Storytime Components recommend by
Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy
Effective storytimes don't "just happen". They take time to prepare, require practice by the librarian and have basic ingredients regardless of the storytime theme or subject. They also require flexibility to adapt books, fingerplays and songs to the attention span of the children. Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy
The basics of a good storytime incorporate the following components:
- Opening or Welcoming Song. (This song should be the same every week.) Like: "The More We Get Together", "If You're Happy and You Know It", "Here We Are Together"
- Age appropriate books. Things to remember when choosing your storytime books:
- Don't use long or complicated books with preschoolers
- Use eye contact, voice inflection, and enunciate loudly and clearly
- Always note who the author and illustrator are
- Songs and fingerplays. These transitional activities engage the children, keep them involved and help them be ready to listen to another book.
- A variety of materials such as puppets, flannel-board storied, cut and tell stories or draw and tell stories. (But not all of these every time--change it up.)
- Closing Song. (This song should be the same every week.)

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