Children's Development Milestones
Now that Six Early Literacy Skills have been broken down, I thought I'd share the development milestones in children that will help us understand how a child is developing. This information will assist us in enhancing our storytimes with activities, books, and crafts accordingly.
From 0 - 12 Months
By 24 Months
By 3 Years
By 4 Years
By 5 Years
From 0 - 12 Months

- Has full color vision (6 months for eyes sight to fully develop with color vision - high contrast books recommended)
- Socializes by watching faces
- Becomes interested in pictures
- Stands for a moment without support
- Looks at correct picture when image is named
- Begins to use objects correctly
By 24 Months
- More excited about the company of other children
- Separation anxiety increases towards midyear, then fades
- Begins to sort by shapes and colors
- Begins make-believe play
- Recognizes names or familiar people, objects, and body parts
- Scribbles on his or her own
By 3 Years

- Objects to major changes in routine
- Matches an object in hand or the room to a picture in a book
- Vision nears 20/20
- Understands most sentences
- Bends over easily without falling
- Turns book pages one at a time
By 4 Years
- Cooperates with other children
- Often can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality
- Recalls parts of a story
- Understands the concepts of "same" and "different"
- Begins to copy some capital letters
By 5 Years
- Abel to distinguish fantasy from reality
- Can count 10 or more objects
- Understands books are read left to right, top to bottom
- Hops, somersaults, stands on one foot
- Understands that stories have a beginning, middle, and end
- Draws pictures that represent animals, people, and objects

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